Medical Copywriter for Healthcare Businesses
— 5 Tips for Online Brand Growth
(and 3 Things to Avoid)
Last Updated 24th January 2021 by Declan Davey (Health & Medical Copywriter)
Starting a medical brand demands a lot of effort: resourcing supplies, deciding on a location, building a talented team…
Yet, this is just the beginning, isn’t it?
Now it’s on you to fulfill the hardest part…
Getting customers to know and trust you.
More than ever, branding is the key to running a successful business — and medical copywriters are here to help in a number of ways.
These days, clients rely on the good ol’ internet to choose the best option for their health and medical needs.
Think about it. Where do most people go when a strange symptom appears?
That’s right — Google search!
And this is why you as a medical brand owner will benefit from the tips below, to build and scale your brand online:
5 Healthcare Business Strategies to Implement
1. Branding
"But I already do branding, I have a logo!" you may say.
Well, let me tell you that branding isn’t just a pretty logo or a matching color scheme. Branding is the way that your business is presented to others.
In essence, your brand is the way that consumers know it is you…
When I say coke, you think of Coca-Cola, right?
Well, this is exactly what you need to do with your medical brand…
Yes, Coca-Cola is a massive name that’s been around for decades, but it’s good to shoot for the stars!
And the good news?
Few businesses in the medical industry truly take the time to implement solid branding. Taking advantage of this concept will allow you to grow your online presence much faster than you would without it…
To start creating a powerful brand, you need to ask yourself:
"What makes my business unique?"
Is it my service? Are my products more effective than my competitors?
Once you know what makes you stand out, you can start building from there…
Create a logo that’s eye-catching — and be consistent with things like typography and visuals to build your online identity.
Apply this new identity to your social media networks, website, newsletters, and posts…
This way, when customers Google search your business and see these elements; they know it’s you. A clear image forms in their mind of who you are and what you do...
And remember, you don’t have to be special to everybody.
What you need to do is position yourself in the minds of your target audience.
Then, when they’re looking for solutions to specific health problems, the first business they think of is yours!
2. Get a medical copywriter
Hiring a medical copywriter is one of the easiest ways to grow your brand.
Copywriters aren’t simply salespeople: they know how to sell in the medical sector. They use words to communicate what you do and convince your audience to choose you.
This role is relatively new in the industry. As a brand owner, you must be sure that your copywriter has a background in healthcare or life sciences and has a creative streak.
It’s not enough to be able to get to grips with the medical terminology. They must be able to communicate it in a way that engages your audience…
Medicine isn’t the most user-friendly sector, because it’s hard for patients to understand the content. This is where your copywriter comes in and makes life easier for customers.
Indeed, a medical copywriter will transform all the technical content relating to your practice and turn it into attractive campaigns for your clients.
There are a wide variety of tasks that a copywriter can assist with...
They can start a blog, educate your patients with consistent articles, or even tell the story of your brand on your website.
Their expertise in the area — along with their natural writing talent — will help your brand rise above many others.
3. Use social media to engage
Using networks like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook has many benefits for your brand…
Remember I said how beneficial it can be to outsource content to a medical copywriter?
The first thing they can do is form a bond with your potential clients by raising awareness. Copywriters must always use these platforms to generate “buzz” for your brand, and let people know about how you can meet their health needs.
As a result, your potential clients will be both educated and inspired on topics that they see as being worthwhile; making your content valuable.
A good way to do this is to cite credible sources on your content, such as the latest studies in your niche.
Still, ensure the data is readable. You don’t want to lose your clients at this key stage of the process by being too dry or stuffy.
After the posts that your copywriter has created informs your audience, it’s time to make your readers aware of what services or products you offer.
Don’t forget this — it’s not enough to just sell your brand. You have to create stories the public will react to and realize — without doubt — that your business is the best fit for them.
People tend to choose brands that most closely match their values. Nobody wants a boring Instagram feed full of wordy medical terms.
Instead, try to design your online content with the thing that customers really want —situations they can relate to and solve by coming to you.
Another neat tip?
Imagine all of the questions that your audience may have. Draft out a list of potential FAQs.
Then, answer them in the simplest and most interesting way within your content.
By doing this, you’re creating a sense of understanding with your audience that will make them feel heard.
And, finally, it’s important to watch your tone…
Medicine is a serious career, of course, but you don’t have to be straight-faced ALL of the time!
Getting the balance right between being formal and informal is key.
Ultimately, your brand should feel authentic.
So, long story short: stay on brand, be accessible, and be human.
4. Know how to do SEO
Imagine this. When somebody looks up "how to solve _____", your brand shows as the first search result on Google.
Sounds great, right?
To achieve this high ranking, I recommend five pillars of SEO…
But first, you may ask, "what is SEO?"
Well, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s the way that search engines rank your website and online content.
Increasing your SEO isn’t the easiest task, but it’s certainly worth your time…
Making your content friendly for engines like Google will help you reach more customers over time.
Here’s how you can increase your SEO and make your web page "friendlier".
The first strategy is to have a website that looks great on mobile. Why?
Around half of all searches are made on mobile devices.
Your site’s content must be readable on mobile, as well as being fast and secure for browsers.
Then, remember your medical copywriter?
Well, they can aid your SEO plan, as it’s their responsibility to create quality content…
And by quality content, I don’t mean content that sounds like it was written by Shakespeare!
Rather, the posts must have a unique edge and be genuinely helpful.
After all, your main target is your clients, not the search engines.
Moving on…
The third pillar of SEO is to pick the right keywords for your article.
Make sure they match both the content and the interests of your audience.
Try using the Google Keyword Planner tool (or software such as Ubersuggest) to make this task more straightforward.
Once you’ve got your list of keywords, it’s time to optimize the web page!
There are a variety of plugins available for websites to perfect their SEO. This way, you can help clients find you (and choose how they will see you, once they do).
The final pillar that you must build is the hardest one:
An overarching content strategy.
There is no magic pill to create a 100% SEO-friendly page. You must try different tactics to find the one that best suits your brand…
Multi-media content, proper formatting, and external/internal links can all go a long way, though.
Once you do this, patients will come knocking at your website. A lead-generating method that’s on autopilot for you!
5. Create a mailing list
Communication in the digital era isn’t reserved for social media and search engines…
Mailing lists are a great way of contacting potential customers and promoting your brand.
An email list will enable you to get closer to your customers — both in times of need and before they actually need you.
Many customers actually prefer this method of communication for medical businesses. The reason for this?
Well, it’s usually seen as a more personalized communication method.
Yet, its biggest advantage (besides being cost-effective) is its accuracy.
Carefully curated mailing lists will help you reach your selected target audience in a matter of seconds…
You can segment your list better and send the right information to the right people.
Also, mailing lists allow a higher degree of customization that most media cannot offer — to improve customer loyalty and bring you more business.
Not only can you automate email campaigns and flows, but you can also track them.
This way, you get another measuring tool to know the true impact of your brand.
So, as you can see, building a brand online means having to adopt a few new patterns of doing business.
But this doesn’t mean that everything you’re ALREADY doing is correct…
Read the section below to see which things you should probably avoid:
3 Mistakes to Avoid
1. Be too technical
Don’t get me wrong, the medical world is pretty darn fascinating at its best…
Yet, it relies on a lot of scientific terms to explain key ideas and concepts.
Unfortunately, this is to the detriment of the general public — who often find the terms confusing (and dull!)
Customers come to you to solve their problems because they rely on your expertise. They’re aware that they don’t have the same level of knowledge you do.
Flaunting all of this knowledge is unnecessary to many customers, so it’s best to keep your communications as simple as possible…
For example, it’s vital that your articles aren’t hard to read.
After all, you want your audience to connect with you…
If your brand is too technical, people may be discouraged to read your posts, making all of your previous efforts a waste of time.
2. Not being true to your brand
Consistency is the key, here.
Apple doesn’t change its image or philosophy every two months. So why should you?
Many times, business owners change course to appeal to more markets or diversify…
The tone of their posts changes, their image gets a complete revamp, and their loyal customers think:
"Who are they now, then?"
Being consistent with one's brand is a great way to build rapport with customers.
Having a permanent image will allow you to grow as a brand and be seen as stable. Changes in focus and branding risk confusing your clients.
This is why it’s important to plan your vision and mission as a brand, ahead of time.
Knowing who you are — and what you represent — will allow you to project a reliable image and build a stable base of customers.
3. Losing patience
Building a medical brand is pretty much a 24/7 job, as you’ll know. A lot of challenges tend to get in the way…
But Rome wasn’t built in a day — and your brand won’t be, either!
Markets and customers are constantly changing. So it’s practically impossible to build your brand online overnight.
The best thing to do is hire a skilled, medical copywriter that can get to know your business and start producing content.
The more content you produce — and the better its quality is — the more likely your brand will connect with customers.
Really, with branding, it’s a matter of keeping patience and being in it for the long haul!
Because without a great brand behind your name, customers aren’t able to connect with you as much as they’d like.
The result?
Your products and services get buried among crowded medical markets.
But nowadays — thanks to tools like social media, emails, and SEO — a new realm exists where almost any niche can succeed with smart strategies in place…
Taking care of your online image is one of the biggest steps to thrive as a brand and do just what you want to do:
Help others to recover and optimize their health.
So, what are you waiting for?
Get in touch using the button below to book a discovery call. We can talk about your business goals, marketing needs, and come up with a customized content plan.
Speak soon!
Declan Davey
Health & Medical Copywriter
AHealthCareer. (2020).
BlueCorona. (2018).
HealthcareSuccess. (2007).
HealthWriter. (2020).
Intrepy. (2020).
Kolabtree Blog. (2020).
MayeCreate. (n.d.).
Image Attributions:
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>
<a href="">Illustration by Freepik Storyset</a>